Starhearth Astrology
Dually Noded: An Astrology Podcast
From Assassination Attempts to Cosmic Alignments: A Weekly Forecast

From Assassination Attempts to Cosmic Alignments: A Weekly Forecast

Mars-Uranus Conjunction, Mercury Retrograde in Leo, and the Second Capricorn Full Moon

Hello everyone, this is Whitney Will from Star Hearth Astrology. This blog post is a weekly forecast and a discussion of current events, including the second Capricorn full moon. We will be covering the week of July 15th through the 21st, a pivotal period with a significant astrological backdrop.

The Mars-Uranus Conjunction and Recent Events

We cannot discuss July 15th without mentioning the Mars-Uranus conjunction, which coincided with an attempt on former President Trump's life. This conjunction symbolizes the warrior meeting the radical, embodying rebellion and extreme measures. The astrological impact is apparent in the event's timing and the underlying political instability. This incident casts Trump as a victim, a role he skillfully manipulates, and significantly shifts the narrative ahead of the Republican National Convention.

The Mars-Uranus energy also aligns with global discussions on violence and weaponry, particularly poignant as we approach dicier astrology in the fall and eclipse season in September and October. These unsettling energies leave many feeling hopeless about current candidates and the state of politics.

Astrological Insights into the Assassination Attempt

The age of the assailant, 20, is crucial because he was experiencing his first Uranus square, a significant life event marked by dramatic changes and missteps. Many Gen Z individuals, born with Uranus in Aquarius, are encountering this square, often resulting in radical actions due to the fixed nature of Uranus in Aquarius and Taurus.

Mercury Retrograde Shadow Phase

On Tuesday, July 16th, Mercury enters its retrograde shadow. From July 16th to August 4th, we are in the pre-shadow phase, leading to Mercury's retrograde from August 4th to August 28th. This period will see Mercury oscillating between Leo and Virgo, directly influencing Trump's ascendant and emphasizing dramatic and potentially exaggerated expressions.

Mercury retrograde in Leo encourages us to rethink our roles and stories, both personally and collectively. 2024 will witness Mercury retrogrades in fire signs, characterized by rapid developments and revisions. During Mercury retrograde, expect delays, rescheduling, and a need for flexibility, making it an excellent time for reflective travel.

Sun Sextile Uranus and Mars Entering Gemini

On Thursday, the Sun sextiles Uranus, bringing a surge of frenetic energy. With retrograde energy also in play, expect quick developments and potential mistakes.

Saturday, July 20th, marks Mars' transition into Gemini, highlighting social media interactions and potential contention. Mars will remain in Gemini until September 4th, reminiscent of the period when Elon Musk took over Twitter. This transit could reignite debates around social media. For those, like my child, experiencing their first Mars return in Gemini, expect significant personal developments reminiscent of the "terrible twos."

The Second Capricorn Full Moon

On Sunday, July 21st, the second Capricorn full moon occurs at the anoretic degree, accompanied by Mars trining Pluto and Mercury squaring Uranus.This configuration suggests possible surprising communications and power shifts, potentially impacting political landscapes.

Reflecting on the Year and Personal Growth

The second full moon in Capricorn invites reflection on our progress since the summer solstice. This period marks a mid-year check-in, encouraging us to reassess our projects and personal growth with a heart-centered approach, free from Pluto's influence. As we enter Leo season on Monday, July 22nd, expect stark changes with the sun opposing Pluto, potentially heralding significant leadership transformations.

Looking Ahead to Leo Season

Leo season will feature Mercury in Virgo, a prolonged Mars-Jupiter conjunction, a Mars-Saturn square, and a Mercury retrograde, indicating complicated but fascinating times ahead.


Stay safe and enjoy the intriguing astrological landscape. We are sending good vibes to those in difficult situations. I'm still collecting Saturn return stories, so please reach out if you have experiences to share. My consultation books are open through September, and I'm here to help with relationships, transitions, or any other challenges. We can work around payment issues if needed.

I hope you have a fulfilling week. Keep taking notes during this exciting time of transition, and I will see you next time.


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Starhearth Astrology
Dually Noded: An Astrology Podcast
Astro insights from astrologer Whitney Will of Starhearth Astrology